Critical Strike Portable For Android
- game engine Unity3D. game is not a port - it is written from the ground game, which the developer is friuns. Compared to other cross-platform online shooters, Critical Strike Portable has several advantages, such as the proximity of the project team to the users, the ability to create their own maps, which are limited only by your imagination, the presence of game mods, such as: Matrix Mod , Zombie Mod , the ability to administer a server, and much more. Critical Strike Portable - a mixture of old and painfully familiar with the new and exclusive. The project team wishes you a pleasant game.
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- game engine Unity3D. game is not a port - it is written from the ground game, which the developer is friuns. Compared to other cross-platform online shooters, Critical Strike Portable has several advantages, such as the proximity of the project team to the users, the ability to create their own maps, which are limited only by your imagination, the presence of game mods, such as: Matrix Mod , Zombie Mod , the ability to administer a server, and much more. Critical Strike Portable - a mixture of old and painfully familiar with the new and exclusive. The project team wishes you a pleasant game.
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tolong gunakan kata-kata yang bijak dan sopan
terima kasih/please use the words of a wise and courteous
thank you ^_^