Halloween Costume ideas 2015


[APP] Adobe Flash Player 11.0 Armv6 for low end device

Tested : 
galaxy fit, galaxy mini, galaxy ace, galaxy gio etc.

Working : 
Should be in all phones, but I have not tried it on another phone, so just try first.

Requirement :
- Rooted
- Have Root Explorer

Step :
1.Download this file download
2.Extract the file ..

3.Install the Adobe Flash Player 11.0.apk

4.Extract files lib.zip 

5.And copy the folder "lib" to the data / data / com.adobe.flashplayer

6.Set the permission for :

7.Reboot device.


For test :
-instal swf player (in market), and open the SWF file.
-open market and install IndoTV link
* Run IndoTV, if it works then you can stream Smartphone now
* Internet should be fast & stable for streaming

 Screenshot :

DONT UPDATE  in the market!!
this is (mixed 10.3) 

Boleh disebarluaskan, dengan catatan mencantumkan alamat sumber.
Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya


Posting Komentar

I have bought Samsung Galaxy Ace handset and from the day one its creating a problem.

Model Number : GT -S5830
Android Version : 2.3.4
BaseBand Version : S5830DDKQ6

I am not able to access the below site that is : webtrade.4xp.com
Its ask that Adobe Flash Player Version 11 is not available once I download it its tell that your handset is not compatible.

How do I rectify this. Its shocking that I am able to surf You Tube but not able to surf a web site.

this is base on 10.3
If you've followed the steps correctly, but still does not work, maybe you can try version 10.3

whether streaming video is running?

semuA versi gingebride bisa gk gan??

when i am installing flash player apk it showsapplication not installed

ketika saya mencoba untuk menginstal APK instalasi gagal untuk menginstal dan itu menunjukkan aplikasi pesan tidak diinstal jadi tolong bantu

please uninstal instaled flash before..

btw whats ur device?

when im trying to change the permissions, it says it cant be changed (something like sd card files cant be changed)

Please change R/O to R/w (not read only)

nice info guys..

I have similar problem when trying to install the Adobe Flash Player it says 'application not installed'. How can I fix this??

if you have flash player before, please uninstal it, and instal this flash player..

lib folder's files disappear after restart
any solution?

i think, u must use the older version

install this apk:


tolong gunakan kata-kata yang bijak dan sopan
terima kasih/please use the words of a wise and courteous
thank you ^_^

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